Discover Delicious Ways to Veg-Out @ Fresh Food Company

To celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd, our chefs are creating delicious ways to veg-out with their plant forward creations. Exciting new dishes celebrate the healthy, environmentally friendly flavors of fresh produce, whole grains, beans and lentils. Plant forward choices are good for the environment by helping to reduce your carbon footprint and the amount of greenhouse gasses that will end up in the atmosphere. In addition, plant forward diets have been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Going plant forward doesn’t have to mean taking a complete leap to becoming a vegetarian or vegan, but can start with simple plant forward choices that reduce the amount of meat you eat. When dining at Fresh Food Company today for lunch, look for these bold, flavorful, plant forward selections at Comfort, Sauté, & Harvest! Be sure to check out our veggie pizza, sandwich and soup selections as well.

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